Monday, September 28, 2009

I love laughing

College days are such sweet memories and my college friends are always so good at bringing me back to those special four years. On Saturday night, I got together with five amazing women: Caley, Sarah, Marissa, Mandi, and Jen. We're all in very different places now and so it's great to get together and reflect on what the Lord is doing in our lives.

Marissa's uncle owns a restaurant at a golf course in Loveland. We insist on always having girls nights at Uncle Dan's restaurant... it's a great place to build new memories. The very best part of the entire place is the dessert that we always share...

Famous...Award Winning..Stone Ridge Bread Pudding -
Our own recipe served with "scotch sauce" and with a side of ice cream... $3.99


Enjoy some fun pictures from the night!

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