Friday, July 27, 2007

thankful for summer 07

I have loved this summer. I only have a few weeks left to enjoy time off from school, but I feel like the Lord has prepared me to go back to school and serve Him and to really enjoy myself in the process! I'm excited to begin my senior year (senior?!) at UNC and to finish strong. Let's hope senioritis doesn't kick in anytime soon...!

Summer Projects are great! Last summer, I went to San Diego in desperate need to know what it means to walk with the Lord. I was tired... tired of trying to do things on my own and ultimately failing. Have you ever felt that way?

I am incapable of doing anything on my own. And I'm thankful for that. It is through the power of Jesus Christ that my weakness is made strong. By myself, I am nothing. With Him, I am everything.

I went back to San Diego this summer for 7 weeks to intern with the Project. Man, did the Lord blow me away! I'm going to write a ton about it later... but until then, I just wanted to share what I've been feeling about the Lord's goodness. He's captured my heart! :)