Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Day three: Listen

I love Christmas music. A few weeks ago I was driving to the airport to pick up Marty and I had Josh Groban's Christmas CD playing extra loud in my car. Of course I was singing extra loud, too. I love that it is played for only a small part of the year. I love when we sing Christmas carols in church. I love candlelight services with "Oh Holy Night" being played on the piano.

For some reason, this is the first year that something has hit me, and it's such an obvious thing... so many Christmas carols share the Gospel and the fact that the tiny baby was and is a huge deal.

Exhibit one. Hark the Herald Angels Sing.

...Born that men no more may die...
...Born to give them second birth...

Exhibit two. Joy to the World.

...Let every heart prepare Him room...
...No more may sins and sorrows grow...

I'm sure you're thinking, "Yes Annette, Christmas songs are about Jesus. Good job." I get that. I think what hit me the hardest is that while these words are on the radio... tv... gosh, they're just plain stuck in our heads, so many people hear them and still choose unbelief.

So this was the year that I chose to listen... to let the words set in... to be reminded to let my heart prepare Him room.

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