Sunday, December 13, 2009

The best way to spread Christmas cheer...

It's Christmastime...

...and this year it feels a little crazier than normal. Maybe it's because we have three Christmases to plan for. Maybe it's because there's so much coordinating that has to happen. Maybe it's because we have to work until the 23rd (lame), so it doesn't feel like we have much time to do all that needs to be done.

Or maybe it's because we know that this isn't the way Christmas was intended to be spent.

You know, intensely long lines to see Santa at the mall on a Sunday afternoon. Stimulation overload with half-off sales and buy-one-get-one deals. Wrapping paper out the wazoo.

I think that Christmas was meant to be simple. A reminder of our HUGE God coming down in a tiny way.

So, starting tomorrow and for the twelve days leading up to Christmas, I'm going to reflect on simplicity. I don't quite know what that'll look like... maybe I'll type up my favorite Elf quote just because it makes me laugh. But in the midst of craziness, I think it'll be good to come back to the basics and relax.

That makes me even more excited about Christmas.

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