Friday, July 24, 2009

I cannot believe how big he is!

The last time I posted something about Bjorn, he was just barely a year old. Now he's topping out a whoppin' 16 months. He walks! He talks! He draws! He climbs on stuff! All with a little bit of his quirky, Bjorn style.

We are constantly blown away with how much he's talking -- or at least trying to. These are some of the many words:
  • "Ana" or "Nun" -- that's me
  • "Mama work" and "Dada work"
  • "Dado" -- Colorado, of course
  • "Bawk" -- park
  • "Poo" -- pool
  • "Einstein" -- he's addicted to the Baby Einstein videos
  • "Papa" -- pasta
  • "Hot" -- paired with a goofy hand wave
  • "Bapa" -- this started off as Grandpa, but now he calls any older man "Bapa"
Our weeks have evolved into quite the routine. Mondays are storytime at Borders Bookstore in Boulder. Tuesdays we go for a long walk and to the dinosaurs at the mall. Wednesdays we go to the pool. Thursdays are "Tiny Tumblers" (baby gymnastics) at the rec center. Of course, with all of his fun developments (especially walking/running/climbing) come bumps and bruises, but he's holding his own really well. Now that I think about it, the kid really doesn't ever quit moving... except during nap time... which I'm always thankful for!

Bjorn constantly wants to listen to music. But we can't listen to Annette's music. We have to listen to Sesame Street. We have to listen to track 9. We have to listen to Grover singing "Wompa wompa woo woo woo". Bjorn asks for it by saying "Wa woo woo woo??" At least he says please.

He's quite the character. And quite the stinker. But we all are so thankful for that little boy! He really does radiate the joy that only a fun little guy can.

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