Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Alright, alright.... I'll write something new

A few people (ahem, Aunt Lori, Caley...) have told me that it's time to start blogging again. And I totally agree... it's been too long. But I have my excuses for neglecting this thing for over a month. I mean, it's hard work to travel to St. Louis once a month, have Marty come here once a month, play at church once a month, and pretend to have any time to do the things I'm supposed to do around the house (like cleaning my bathroom and staying organized). Not to mention work nearly 40 hours a week, work out a few days a week, lead Young Life twice a week, and sneak in some time for myself and the Marty man.

Alright, I'm done with that.

So, life is busy. It's what happens this time of year, anyway. Big things have happened in the past month...
  • I went to California to meet little Nora Jayne. She's such a sweet baby!
  • I got really sick while in California... it took me nearly a week to recover... no fun.
  • I spent Thanksgiving week in St. Louis with Marty and his family. It was great to spend a whole week out there!
But really, I think the biggest thing that's happened is the decision that we made for me to move out to St. Louis early next year.

That's right, I'm moving to St. Louis! I'll be finished with my job right before Martin Luther King Jr. Day and I'll head out a few days after that. It's crazy how the whole thing worked out... and I can definitely see the Lord's hand in all of it.

While I was in St. Louis for Thanksgiving, it became very clear to me that I want to be able to live life with Marty on a daily basis, rather than rushing through weekend visits. I want to know him in that context. Plus, I really enjoy the guy, not to mention love him, and want to be with him.

So yep, January 2010... I'm off to St. Lou!

our first holiday together... thanksgiving 2009


Jonathon McDougall said...

Congrats! Keep us posted :)

bec said...

oh my goodness! i didn't know you were headed that way. what a fun adventure - happy for you.