My friend Kevin and I went bouldering last night at a place in Boulder (fitting, huh) called The Spot. I've rock climbed a lot with ropes, but this was a totally different feeling because bouldering is without ropes. I'll admit, it kind of freaked me out to be climbing without ropes. But I'm getting used to it. It's a challenge for sure, but a lot of fun, too! By the end of the night, I'd try to climb and reach a hold, but my hands literally wouldn't hold on... In the words of my new friend Kevin, "you're shot." Yep, I was shot.
My sister in law and my niece, Quincy, are headed to D.C. right now for the inauguration. I hope they stay warm... It's 67 here today.
I am excited to read about your blogs! Hope you have a great week!
Megan G
i have a blog too, nettle! woot!
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